Block producer emsy

Sharing 90% at 8 UTC | 2% goes to prize pool | Active contributor

Game status 🟢
Pummelfier status 🟢
Helios status 🟢
Sauth status 🟢
Players online 0
Alerts sent 29428
Block height 9847235
Transactions processed 26


"Friends of little Yus" the game

Race to the flag as fast as possible, set a score and win free SXP. Weekly tournaments with an average prize pool of 150 SXP.


Pummelfier is a free service that notifies you when your block producer(s) gets pummelled out of a forging position. Get notified via e-mail or Pushover. The service is modular so more providers could be added in the future.

Block producer ranking graph

This graph visualizes the block producer movement of the past few rounds. The graph scales according to your screen size, larger screens show more rounds.


Helios is a licensed fork of Solar core that functions as the back-end of the game. Game related data such as characters, scores and authentication attempts are stored on the blockchain.


Sauth is an authentication service designed for app developers to enable your users to login (and logout) using Solar addresses. Sauth is free to use, block producer emsy is covering the transaction fees.

Roadmap 2023

Game v2
Design and apply custom made asset pack to give the game its own unique style.
New physics engine
Improves movement mechanics and enables double jumping.
New login system
Authentication using Solar wallets
Helios to Solar migration
Utilise the Solar blockchain by storing game related data on the blockchain.
Block producer room
Add a separate room where players can roam around and discover block producers in a real-time fashion.
Website leaderboards
Create a website for viewing the current (and past) leaderboards (open leaderboards).
Automated prize claim process
Allows users to claim prizes fully autonomous.
Hands-on video (need help)
Create a video to help viewers to get familiar with the game, explaining how it works and how to play.
Marketing (need help)
Getting the game out there growing the playerbase and Solar community through various platforms.