Bonus multiplier

Winners that support block producer emsy during an entire round are eligible for a bonus multiplier.The bonus multiplier scales according to your wallet balance, the more support the bigger the bonus multiplier.Voters with a minimal balance of 1 SXP get a total multiplier of 1.1, the maximum multiplier is capped at 2.0 with a balance of 10,000 SXP (or greater).
1-1099 SXP1.1
1100-1199 SXP1.11
3333 SXP1.33
5432 SXP1.54
9999 SXP1.99
10,000+ SXP2.0
So a player that won and voted with 100 SXP during the entire round will get their prize multiplied by 1.1!
Calculate your multiplier